OK...you're carrying and there's an active shooter,


Well-Known Fanatic
Fanatic Family
Jan 15, 2021
Eastern North Carolina
In what order do you protect yourself? Loved ones? Others?
I believe the focus should simply be to stop the threat. When the bullets are flying, I don't think there would be time to think about what order anything should be done....just stop the threat as quickly and cleanly as possible.


Well-Known Fanatic
Jun 8, 2018
NW Ohio
I protect my family by hopefully getting them to cover and find the best time for a counter attack. Must stop any active shooter but absolutely must remember two things!!

1st: Don't forget the trailing accomplice!!!!!!!! I've seen too many videos where a defender was caught off guard by an unknown accomplice.

2nd and most important: DON'T DIE!!!


Well-Known Fanatic
Apr 29, 2020
It's an interesting question and one I've thought about and trained for. Most folks want to be like the bull in the china shop and charge in. Me? I hope to assess the situation and still act swiftly enough to eliminate the danger.
Get my family to cover. Get myself to cover. Get a quality shot prior to being detected. Always be situationally aware, head on a swivel.
Our church , small congregation btw, has a security team (includes me) and we have an active shooter plan and have trained to cover probable entry points and have armed security by those areas. I'm on Praise Band as well, so I have a great view, often at the cost of a poorly fingered chord. Haha


Well-Known Fanatic
Feb 17, 2021
By myself...move to contact.
Family/Friend along...they become priority #1...and if the scenario plays out where Fam can be sent thru an exit...back to move to contact. I don't think I could deal with myself turning my back on the helpless. And I agree with Babboonbobo...nobody sings our death song!

Mike Galway

Well-Known Fanatic
Nov 5, 2018
East Central Missouri
All depends on situation . Where are you , are there people running around , what weapon do you have ? What's your skill set like ? Can you make a clean shot while your adrenaline is pumped to an all time high ? I mainly worry while we're at church . Facing forward , back to the door . I told my wife , if it ever happens , hit the deck and roll under a pew . I'll take cover the best I can and see if I can get a clean shot . Awareness of your surroundings is paramount . I pray that if this ever happens I have the wisdom and skill to handle it the right way .

Mike A

Well-Known Fanatic
Fanatic Family
Sep 18, 2018
Really big broad brush you use in your statement ;) no problem, just don't over think it.
Was a long time after I became a Civilian for the first time, I did not carry a gun, I said a gun.
You must know yourself very well before you decide to carry a gun. Some times you need to detune
& learn to understand civil society. After years of training I am just like the rest of you now :eek: Plumb Krazy LOL.

You hear a lot about muscle memory & how important it is.
Yet truth be known, there is nothing more dangerous than a scared man or woman with a Shotgun & their finger on your future or not.
2nd and most important: DON'T DIE!!!

In War everything behind your enemy is Enemy, in most cases that is. On a Civilian street that's not the case just how many &
what type weapon does the Target have? I have thought of, if you look like an Old fart well. Why not fake a heart attack then
shoot him in the Bung Hole from a good upward shot or 2 :eek:.

Bob my first rule is Don't Die! Not until the target is down & dead. :mad:
My Father taught me to read, & how to read people & groups of people. Enter every situation with the thought you may need to fight something, Animal or Man does not matter. Semper Fi, be prepared all the time everywhere.

In any case it is The Element of Surprise that wins so, Play scared until you do some recon for others then surprise shots that count until you have the target
down & out! The toughest guy I ever knew had Tacicardia when the fire fight first began. Let's just say Moose was real fast to get his S- Together & fight
like a Banchee from hell from then on.

Gun shots real close inside can give you the big pucker no cure for that save some real anger aimed at the target.

Just my 0.1 cents worth.


Well-Known Fanatic
Fanatic Family
Aug 19, 2018
good question/scenario....one that unfortunately has the propensity to actually occur.....

For me....well, some know, but I'm LE and a SWAT Team Lead and combat veteran.....Sooooo....move to contact....always. If family is with me, identify a quick exit and move them towards it, then go engage the threat.

For educational purposes....the previous response to an active shooter situation (pre-Columbine) was to establish a perimeter, call in SWAT, coordinate an entry OR attempt to make contact with the shooter. Columbine taught us that this does not work. The longer an active shooter is left "free", the more lives are lost.

Fast forward to today's protocol's.....active shooter situation....you go. If it's you....you go alone....if you have support nearby/enroute (seconds out), then assemble a small fire team, otherwise....it's you. The premise is to find and engage the shooter to change his/her behavior and focus on YOU and not on killing innocents. You may not be able to engage him/her with firepower...but it has been shown that many commit suicide (effectively ending the threat), give up (ending the threat), or are killed by LE (again...ending the threat). Again...the current protocols (at least that I'm trained in) is to get in there and find/engage the threat, change their behavior to focus on YOU. If you take rounds and go down...well...part of the job....hopefully you are trained well and train often enough to not let this happen.

So....for me....move to contact....


Well-Known Fanatic
Fanatic Family
Jan 15, 2021
Eastern North Carolina
good question/scenario....one that unfortunately has the propensity to actually occur.....

For me....well, some know, but I'm LE and a SWAT Team Lead and combat veteran.....Sooooo....move to contact....always. If family is with me, identify a quick exit and move them towards it, then go engage the threat.

For educational purposes....the previous response to an active shooter situation (pre-Columbine) was to establish a perimeter, call in SWAT, coordinate an entry OR attempt to make contact with the shooter. Columbine taught us that this does not work. The longer an active shooter is left "free", the more lives are lost.

Fast forward to today's protocol's.....active shooter situation....you go. If it's you....you go alone....if you have support nearby/enroute (seconds out), then assemble a small fire team, otherwise....it's you. The premise is to find and engage the shooter to change his/her behavior and focus on YOU and not on killing innocents. You may not be able to engage him/her with firepower...but it has been shown that many commit suicide (effectively ending the threat), give up (ending the threat), or are killed by LE (again...ending the threat). Again...the current protocols (at least that I'm trained in) is to get in there and find/engage the threat, change their behavior to focus on YOU. If you take rounds and go down...well...part of the job....hopefully you are trained well and train often enough to not let this happen.

So....for me....move to contact....
This makes sense to me. I hope and pray that I, nor anyone, is ever faced with this scenario. But, it's possible, and I know I would engage the shooter. If my family was with me, of course I would want them safe first, if possible. The reason I carry is not solely to protect myself, but to protect all innocent life around me. If a man takes on the responsibility of being armed and has the ability to stop an active shooter, he should do just that, if faced with this awful evil. If he does nothing, and is simply not willing to risk his own life for those around him, he's not much of a man, and probably shouldn't be carrying anyway. That's a somewhat strong statement, but it's honestly how I personally feel about it.

Mike Galway

Well-Known Fanatic
Nov 5, 2018
East Central Missouri
My brother in law , in Colorado is an elder in his church . His volunteer job at church is to sit in his truck during service with a long gun , cell phone by his side , and he listens to the service on his radio . They're out in the country and help is at least 30 minutes out . Plus quite a few members are armed . They actually have a plan .

Bob Lee

Well-Known Fanatic
Jul 27, 2018
My brother in law , in Colorado is an elder in his church . His volunteer job at church is to sit in his truck during service with a long gun , cell phone by his side , and he listens to the service on his radio . They're out in the country and help is at least 30 minutes out . Plus quite a few members are armed . They actually have a plan .
I really like that plan. Good for them. May God bless and keep you all in His care.


Well-Known Fanatic
Feb 3, 2021
That would be a tough situation , if wife is present look for exit or at least good cover. [ for her ] If sons are present I will have cover fire .


Well-Known Fanatic
Apr 16, 2019
I discount bravado in some of the responces here. For those who have never been confronted with a shooter, I can tell you it's the highest stress situation you'll probably encounter. There are a lot of considerations when confronting a person with the capability to kill you (my greatest fear was getting shot in the head) and they already have a plan and know what they're going to do. You, the good guy, are on scene and already behind the eight ball. ANYONE you routinely socialize with should be part of an everyday plan. Know your exits, and have a plan for the people you're with. The more you visualize what you'll do, the less time you'll spend messing your pants (which still is a possibility). Train for different scenarios, communicate the importance of following the plan to your family members and maintain cardio health, because your heart will let you know if you've been cheating. Good luck, stay safe and may the most rightious win.


Dec 4, 2019
My brother in law , in Colorado is an elder in his church . His volunteer job at church is to sit in his truck during service with a long gun , cell phone by his side , and he listens to the service on his radio . They're out in the country and help is at least 30 minutes out . Plus quite a few members are armed . They actually have a plan .
The church I attend has a similar set up, long gun or guns outside, assigned shooters inside in different locations throughout the service. Organized practice together best, most experienced (police, ex police, military and former military) are the assigned shooters.


Well-Known Fanatic
Apr 29, 2020
Sadly, I believe many churches have gone to having a security team, I know we have a team in place. Training, same as any team, is an ongoing approach. Evaluate the possible entry points, practice, and pray its not ever needed. Situational awareness is all important, especially for security members

I like the plan laid out by @MikeGallway, with a dedicated member posted away from the building, solid plan. These are extreme times we are living in, and while extreme, I believe necessary.

I pray no one needs to defend themselves while Worshipping, or at any other time. You all stay safe.

Mike A

Well-Known Fanatic
Fanatic Family
Sep 18, 2018
Sadly, I believe many churches have gone to having a security team, I know we have a team in place. Training, same as any team, is an ongoing approach. Evaluate the possible entry points, practice, and pray its not ever needed. Situational awareness is all important, especially for security members

I like the plan laid out by @MikeGallway, with a dedicated member posted away from the building, solid plan. These are extreme times we are living in, and while extreme, I believe necessary.

I pray no one needs to defend themselves while Worshipping, or at any other time. You all stay safe.
Once upon a time they aka Demonrats fed my Brothers & Sisters to Lions & Tigers & Bears Oh My ! :eek:
My Lord created mankind & everything else we think we know about.

Like my Fathers before me I have always gone into the valley of the shadow of Death with my Lord beside me.
If you have not yet taken the time to look for Jesus our savior & make up your own mind if it's real or not.

Why not do some research? I did many years ago & glad I did.

With Gods blessings I have NO FEAR!!

Mike Sherman

Nov 14, 2018
What do you do?

My take - I say you engage him. You can disrupt his evil act at the very least. Better....you could save a number of lives. Worst case....you die. But if you do nothing, that very well may happen anyway.
First priority is get your family out of harms way then assess the situation. My 2 cents...if people are dying you must engage. That's why I'm at the gun club weekly practicing drills on silhouettes.


Well-Known Fanatic
Fanatic Family
Jan 15, 2021
Eastern North Carolina
First priority is get your family out of harms way then assess the situation. My 2 cents...if people are dying you must engage. That's why I'm at the gun club weekly practicing drills on silhouettes.
Great practice. If you're ever faced with a situation, that practice will prove to be invaluable.