This is not a political forum

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Well-Known Fanatic
Mar 5, 2020
OK - BUT - Unfortunately, everything about "guns", instead of like it used to be, fun, skill & good time with friends, is now the pressure of citizen disarmament politics. Things we used to do for sport years ago would now result in a GESTAPO SWAT RAID.
The most relevant topics and information affecting guns and gun culture in our Nation today is the RELENTLESS assault on our Second Amendment rights to the point of threatening outright confiscation.
We are in danger of being turned into Australia.
The democrat party is LITERALLY WAGING WAR ON US. Those who work to take our rights are well organized, politically connected, well funded, AND NEVER SILENCED, ANYWHERE! They are free to network and organize.
For all we are censored and silenced, here we have a place for "gun talk". Gun owners, all of us. A place to network and get a feel for what is going on across the Nation, and see how other gun owners feel and are being affected by the relentless pressure to disarm us, which has already disarmed millions of Americans in democrat states.
I could talk about how I'm ready to put my blued 1911 away for the hot sweat of summer and carry my .45 Shield till fall, and how I can't find a box of my tested, tried and true 230 gr Gold Dots anywhere, but there are infinitely more important things going on, relating to firearms.
To sit and talk about "guns", as if nothing is going on, while very dangerous people work to take those guns and dominate the "public forum", which is on the internet at this time, will result in us all waking up in "Australia" one day soon.
To ignore that there was just a shooting, that is being used politically, to disarm us, puts US at a disadvantage.
The other side organizes demonstrations against "GUN VIOLENCE" - not PEOPLE who commit violence with guns, or knives, or just push people in front of a train on the subway. The implication is to take guns. The censorship and silencing is to make gun owners feel alone, to be seen as outliers, in a Nation that is united to repeal the Second Amendment.
It is no time to be politically silent.
A "gun site" is one of the few places for like minded gun owners to network, sharing ideas.
For gun owners to be politically silenced, as a political war rages against us, demonizing us at every turn, IS TO FIDDLE AS ROME BURNS AROUND US!
I see no use for a "gun site" that would have us put our heads in the sand, silent, just to wake up in "Australia" one morning.
The anti-gun narrative is being amplified EVERYWHERE!
At a time where ammunition is EXPENSIVE, AND HARD TO FIND, we can't even shoot regularly like in the past.
Today, EVERYTHING about guns is POLITICS!
We are at war, or, at least war is being waged upon us.
It is the overwhelming reality that needs to be talked about.
Here is NOT where we should be silenced.
I would hope that you would reverse your stance regarding this matter.

Bob Lee

Well-Known Fanatic
Jul 27, 2018
OK - BUT - Unfortunately, everything about "guns", instead of like it used to be, fun, skill & good time with friends, is now the pressure of citizen disarmament politics. Things we used to do for sport years ago would now result in a GESTAPO SWAT RAID.
The most relevant topics and information affecting guns and gun culture in our Nation today is the RELENTLESS assault on our Second Amendment rights to the point of threatening outright confiscation.
We are in danger of being turned into Australia.
The democrat party is LITERALLY WAGING WAR ON US. Those who work to take our rights are well organized, politically connected, well funded, AND NEVER SILENCED, ANYWHERE! They are free to network and organize.
For all we are censored and silenced, here we have a place for "gun talk". Gun owners, all of us. A place to network and get a feel for what is going on across the Nation, and see how other gun owners feel and are being affected by the relentless pressure to disarm us, which has already disarmed millions of Americans in democrat states.
I could talk about how I'm ready to put my blued 1911 away for the hot sweat of summer and carry my .45 Shield till fall, and how I can't find a box of my tested, tried and true 230 gr Gold Dots anywhere, but there are infinitely more important things going on, relating to firearms.
To sit and talk about "guns", as if nothing is going on, while very dangerous people work to take those guns and dominate the "public forum", which is on the internet at this time, will result in us all waking up in "Australia" one day soon.
To ignore that there was just a shooting, that is being used politically, to disarm us, puts US at a disadvantage.
The other side organizes demonstrations against "GUN VIOLENCE" - not PEOPLE who commit violence with guns, or knives, or just push people in front of a train on the subway. The implication is to take guns. The censorship and silencing is to make gun owners feel alone, to be seen as outliers, in a Nation that is united to repeal the Second Amendment.
It is no time to be politically silent.
A "gun site" is one of the few places for like minded gun owners to network, sharing ideas.
For gun owners to be politically silenced, as a political war rages against us, demonizing us at every turn, IS TO FIDDLE AS ROME BURNS AROUND US!
I see no use for a "gun site" that would have us put our heads in the sand, silent, just to wake up in "Australia" one morning.
The anti-gun narrative is being amplified EVERYWHERE!
At a time where ammunition is EXPENSIVE, AND HARD TO FIND, we can't even shoot regularly like in the past.
Today, EVERYTHING about guns is POLITICS!
We are at war, or, at least war is being waged upon us.
It is the overwhelming reality that needs to be talked about.
Here is NOT where we should be silenced.
I would hope that you would reverse your stance regarding this matter.
Agreed, and very well stated. Thank you.

Mike A

Well-Known Fanatic
Fanatic Family
Sep 18, 2018
OK - BUT - Unfortunately, everything about "guns", instead of like it used to be, fun, skill & good time with friends, is now the pressure of citizen disarmament politics. Things we used to do for sport years ago would now result in a GESTAPO SWAT RAID.
The most relevant topics and information affecting guns and gun culture in our Nation today is the RELENTLESS assault on our Second Amendment rights to the point of threatening outright confiscation.
We are in danger of being turned into Australia.
The democrat party is LITERALLY WAGING WAR ON US. Those who work to take our rights are well organized, politically connected, well funded, AND NEVER SILENCED, ANYWHERE! They are free to network and organize.
For all we are censored and silenced, here we have a place for "gun talk". Gun owners, all of us. A place to network and get a feel for what is going on across the Nation, and see how other gun owners feel and are being affected by the relentless pressure to disarm us, which has already disarmed millions of Americans in democrat states.
I could talk about how I'm ready to put my blued 1911 away for the hot sweat of summer and carry my .45 Shield till fall, and how I can't find a box of my tested, tried and true 230 gr Gold Dots anywhere, but there are infinitely more important things going on, relating to firearms.
To sit and talk about "guns", as if nothing is going on, while very dangerous people work to take those guns and dominate the "public forum", which is on the internet at this time, will result in us all waking up in "Australia" one day soon.
To ignore that there was just a shooting, that is being used politically, to disarm us, puts US at a disadvantage.
The other side organizes demonstrations against "GUN VIOLENCE" - not PEOPLE who commit violence with guns, or knives, or just push people in front of a train on the subway. The implication is to take guns. The censorship and silencing is to make gun owners feel alone, to be seen as outliers, in a Nation that is united to repeal the Second Amendment.
It is no time to be politically silent.
A "gun site" is one of the few places for like minded gun owners to network, sharing ideas.
For gun owners to be politically silenced, as a political war rages against us, demonizing us at every turn, IS TO FIDDLE AS ROME BURNS AROUND US!
I see no use for a "gun site" that would have us put our heads in the sand, silent, just to wake up in "Australia" one morning.
The anti-gun narrative is being amplified EVERYWHERE!
At a time where ammunition is EXPENSIVE, AND HARD TO FIND, we can't even shoot regularly like in the past.
Today, EVERYTHING about guns is POLITICS!
We are at war, or, at least war is being waged upon us.
It is the overwhelming reality that needs to be talked about.
Here is NOT where we should be silenced.
I would hope that you would reverse your stance regarding this matter.
People Reaction GIF by MOODMAN

Spoken like a true American. :D


Staff member
Fanatic Family
Nov 30, 2011
Nope - this is for actual gun talk, IE, how to fix this or, gun jams with that. This is not a news forum, we have other sections for that.


New Fanatic
Jul 30, 2020
Most forums have a good general discussion section or even more specific, a political discussion section. Consider adding one to this forum since politics way so heavily in modern day gun ownership. Sadly it's a necessary evil in the times we're living in.


Sep 18, 2018
OK - BUT - Unfortunately, everything about "guns", instead of like it used to be, fun, skill & good time with friends, is now the pressure of citizen disarmament politics. Things we used to do for sport years ago would now result in a GESTAPO SWAT RAID.
The most relevant topics and information affecting guns and gun culture in our Nation today is the RELENTLESS assault on our Second Amendment rights to the point of threatening outright confiscation.
We are in danger of being turned into Australia.
The democrat party is LITERALLY WAGING WAR ON US. Those who work to take our rights are well organized, politically connected, well funded, AND NEVER SILENCED, ANYWHERE! They are free to network and organize.
For all we are censored and silenced, here we have a place for "gun talk". Gun owners, all of us. A place to network and get a feel for what is going on across the Nation, and see how other gun owners feel and are being affected by the relentless pressure to disarm us, which has already disarmed millions of Americans in democrat states.
I could talk about how I'm ready to put my blued 1911 away for the hot sweat of summer and carry my .45 Shield till fall, and how I can't find a box of my tested, tried and true 230 gr Gold Dots anywhere, but there are infinitely more important things going on, relating to firearms.
To sit and talk about "guns", as if nothing is going on, while very dangerous people work to take those guns and dominate the "public forum", which is on the internet at this time, will result in us all waking up in "Australia" one day soon.
To ignore that there was just a shooting, that is being used politically, to disarm us, puts US at a disadvantage.
The other side organizes demonstrations against "GUN VIOLENCE" - not PEOPLE who commit violence with guns, or knives, or just push people in front of a train on the subway. The implication is to take guns. The censorship and silencing is to make gun owners feel alone, to be seen as outliers, in a Nation that is united to repeal the Second Amendment.
It is no time to be politically silent.
A "gun site" is one of the few places for like minded gun owners to network, sharing ideas.
For gun owners to be politically silenced, as a political war rages against us, demonizing us at every turn, IS TO FIDDLE AS ROME BURNS AROUND US!
I see no use for a "gun site" that would have us put our heads in the sand, silent, just to wake up in "Australia" one morning.
The anti-gun narrative is being amplified EVERYWHERE!
At a time where ammunition is EXPENSIVE, AND HARD TO FIND, we can't even shoot regularly like in the past.
Today, EVERYTHING about guns is POLITICS!
We are at war, or, at least war is being waged upon us.
It is the overwhelming reality that needs to be talked about.
Here is NOT where we should be silenced.
I would hope that you would reverse your stance regarding this matter.

I have sources for political news and discussions about firearm ownership and our 2A rights. There are not that many quality forums for the 1911 (two that I know of) and I want them to focus on the topics presently offered. Not politics.


Well-Known Fanatic
Mar 5, 2020
Whenever I posted a political thread I put it in "OFF TOPIC".
There was no "POWDER KEG" that I saw anywhere, but I was not looking for it so it could have been down the list.
Now I see there is a "GUN CONTROL AND POLITICAL ISSUES" category.
Thank you.


Well-Known Fanatic
Nov 6, 2019
Agreed, and very well stated. Thank you.
I like the 1911 forum, and wish people would stay on the 1911 platform. BUT, if they chose to bring up other pistols, so be it. We have been at war with those who wish to disarm us for a long time, today is more dangerous than ever. Saying that this is a Gun Site Only, is like saying History of that gun makes no difference, sights makes no difference, ammunition makes no difference. The gun(including this Forum) will make no difference if we we do not address the issues effecting Gun's and it's Owners. My VP at work once stated "On Company property you will not discuss politics, or Company Policies(see similarity here?)
If I were an Ostrich, I would still pull my head out of the sand to see who is kicking my azz.


Well-Known Fanatic
Jan 30, 2019
OK - BUT - Unfortunately, everything about "guns", instead of like it used to be, fun, skill & good time with friends, is now the pressure of citizen disarmament politics. Things we used to do for sport years ago would now result in a GESTAPO SWAT RAID.
The most relevant topics and information affecting guns and gun culture in our Nation today is the RELENTLESS assault on our Second Amendment rights to the point of threatening outright confiscation.
We are in danger of being turned into Australia.
The democrat party is LITERALLY WAGING WAR ON US. Those who work to take our rights are well organized, politically connected, well funded, AND NEVER SILENCED, ANYWHERE! They are free to network and organize.
For all we are censored and silenced, here we have a place for "gun talk". Gun owners, all of us. A place to network and get a feel for what is going on across the Nation, and see how other gun owners feel and are being affected by the relentless pressure to disarm us, which has already disarmed millions of Americans in democrat states.
I could talk about how I'm ready to put my blued 1911 away for the hot sweat of summer and carry my .45 Shield till fall, and how I can't find a box of my tested, tried and true 230 gr Gold Dots anywhere, but there are infinitely more important things going on, relating to firearms.
To sit and talk about "guns", as if nothing is going on, while very dangerous people work to take those guns and dominate the "public forum", which is on the internet at this time, will result in us all waking up in "Australia" one day soon.
To ignore that there was just a shooting, that is being used politically, to disarm us, puts US at a disadvantage.
The other side organizes demonstrations against "GUN VIOLENCE" - not PEOPLE who commit violence with guns, or knives, or just push people in front of a train on the subway. The implication is to take guns. The censorship and silencing is to make gun owners feel alone, to be seen as outliers, in a Nation that is united to repeal the Second Amendment.
It is no time to be politically silent.
A "gun site" is one of the few places for like minded gun owners to network, sharing ideas.
For gun owners to be politically silenced, as a political war rages against us, demonizing us at every turn, IS TO FIDDLE AS ROME BURNS AROUND US!
I see no use for a "gun site" that would have us put our heads in the sand, silent, just to wake up in "Australia" one morning.
The anti-gun narrative is being amplified EVERYWHERE!
At a time where ammunition is EXPENSIVE, AND HARD TO FIND, we can't even shoot regularly like in the past.
Today, EVERYTHING about guns is POLITICS!
We are at war, or, at least war is being waged upon us.
It is the overwhelming reality that needs to be talked about.
Here is NOT where we should be silenced.
I would hope that you would reverse your stance regarding this matter.
Agreed 100%. Very well said . Thanks


Well-Known Fanatic
Nov 6, 2019
Agreed 100%. Very well said . Thanks
Well stated. Also, Ben Carson Johns Hopkins Neurosurgeon/Politician has raised eyebrows with his suggestion that the Holocaust would not have been as devastating had people in Nazi Germany been armed; that one dead body with bullet holes is not as bad as taking away the Second Amendment; and that people should attack gunmen in active shooter situations. The Second Amendment stays as long as I can hold a firearm..

Bob Lee

Well-Known Fanatic
Jul 27, 2018
Well stated. Also, Ben Carson Johns Hopkins Neurosurgeon/Politician has raised eyebrows with his suggestion that the Holocaust would not have been as devastating had people in Nazi Germany been armed; that one dead body with bullet holes is not as bad as taking away the Second Amendment; and that people should attack gunmen in active shooter situations. The Second Amendment stays as long as I can hold a firearm..
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