WE need more money!

Mike A

Well-Known Fanatic
Fanatic Family
Sep 18, 2018
Good Morning.

Do you get emails like this? :confused: I do, & it's always we need more Money to beat the gun grabbers who want you disarmed. Why? o_O Commie 101.
Look at the Co$t of ammo, guns, & anything shooting related + TAX today. And then comes another .ORG with their hands out for more $ to pay for my Right to keep & bear guns.

It is a privilege to own & drive an Automobile. You buy it, & pay way more in upkeep than you will ever get back out of it. You trade it for 1/2 it's worth & the dealer doubles the price,
then screws you on a new model.

Time to stop the drip, drip of our $, & stop paying for a God/US Constitution given Right!! What's next a ban on money, churchs, food, speech, parenting?
As long as the Demoncrats think they have the support of their willing Idiots they will start disarming the United States NOW. Communism 101, it's all in the history books.

Just spent $83.00 to reup my Carry permit, a right to bear without charge :oops: I know. The point is, NCFC could not get the GOP majority NC Senate to pass Constitutional Carry here in NC.
Why in hell should I send them a Ben Franklin now and again, to fight the Communist Government in charge of America today. A pop gun won't get her done.

Gold is pretty, however, lead is worth so much more.
Always remember, History teaches us that those who allow themselves to be disarmed, will not get freedom back for centuries. It all depends if the gun owners of America will rise up & put the 2nd amendment to use here & now.

Dear Mike aka, we need more $$$

Democrats are weaponizing our kids, our schools, the media narrative and now the federal government against us in their mission to destroy our gun rights, Mike.

Last Friday, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris announced the creation of a new federal office called "The Office of Gun Violence Prevention."

Without a doubt, it will be just as successful as the government's war on drugs or their effort to "fix" our immigration problem (all of which, just like "gun violence," are problems that their policies create in the first place).

But like you, I know that preventing "gun violence" (which is a term they cannot/refuse to define) was never their goal anyway.

The mission of this new office is simple: get professional gun-control activists on the federal dole and give them every government resource available to unleash gun-control at every single level of government.

The office is going to be "led" by Vice President Kamala Harris, but even more terrifying are the two chief deputies that will actually run the office.

First is a guy named Greg Jackson, who used to run the "Community Justice Action Fund," a leftwing community advocacy organization that focused on defunding the police.

But even worse is the other deputy director, Rob Wilcox.

Before getting a taxpayer-funded paycheck on Friday, Wilcox was the senior director for federal affairs at Michael Bloomberg's "Everytown for Gun Safety," used to work at the Brady Campaign, and as a lawyer made a living suing gun manufacturers.

To put it bluntly, hiring people like Jackson and Wilcox to lead this new office is a political declaration of war on the 2nd Amendment by Joe Biden's White House.

This new "office" has two main objectives:

  1. Expedite the implementation of Biden's "Bipartisan Safer Communities Act of 2022."

    This law, which passed only with the help of over a dozen traitorous Republicans, appropriated BILLIONS of dollars for the Radical Left's "community outreach" programs all over America.

    In other words, if there is a local group of gun-control advocates, they're not going to be fully funded to promote their agenda using your tax dollars in your local community.

  2. Investigate, recommend and expedite the implementation of new executive orders.

    Think the ATF's rule change – at the direction of the Biden Administration – reclassifying braced pistols as short-barrel-rifles was bad? The Biden administration and the Radical Left are just getting started.
The Communist Left is making it abundantly clear that they have zero interest in peacefully coexisting with their political opponents anymore.

The Communist Left wants to RULE over you and me like we're serfs, the principles of freedom and liberty be damned.

That is why I'm asking you to make a donation to North Carolina Firearms Coalition right now to help us meet our fundraising goals before the end of the third quarter deadline tonight at midnight.

You see, in response to the active threat of federal tyranny, North Carolina Firearms Coalition is laser-focused on making North Carolina the next state to pass the Second Amendment Preservation Act (SAPA) into law.

Rooted in the 10th Amendment, our powerful SAPA law says that North Carolina law enforcement, which North Carolina taxpayers pay for, will only enforce North Carolina's gun laws and NOT tyrannical gun-control laws, executive orders or ATF rulings that come out of Washington DC.

But the system in Raleigh is rigged against rights advocacy groups like North Carolina Firearms Coalition, who depend on support from our members to pressure the politicians into doing what they were elected to do.

In Raleigh, the normal way to get a bill passed is to walk around with a big fat stack of PAC checks in your back pocket and fan them around to everyone like a blackjack dealer.

And while we aren't corrupt and want to keep our souls intact, we still we need to win these political fights and get SAPA passed.

So with North Carolina Firearms Coalition' 3rd fiscal quarter ending at midnight, I'm trying to make sure we have the resources necessary to get SAPA over the line.

Please make a donation of whatever amount you can afford to North Carolina Firearms Coalition today to help us finish this quarter STRONG!

For North Carolina,
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Aug 26, 2023
I have a solution that will take about 30 minutes to end all of the Financial struggles... Take back the $150,000,000,000 given out to Ukraine and other Entities. Put it back into the National Treasury. Tell the rest of the World to Pound Sand and allocate the money to Homeless Veterans, Homeless Children, and Families, stop paying Congress $149,000 min a year. Pay congress $47,500 a year.
Two Years and the USA is Debt-Free


Well-Known Fanatic
Fanatic Family
Jan 15, 2021
Eastern North Carolina
I have a solution that will take about 30 minutes to end all of the Financial struggles... Take back the $150,000,000,000 given out to Ukraine and other Entities. Put it back into the National Treasury. Tell the rest of the World to Pound Sand and allocate the money to Homeless Veterans, Homeless Children, and Families, stop paying Congress $149,000 min a year. Pay congress $47,500 a year.
Two Years and the USA is Debt-Free
Welcome to the forum from Eastern NC. Please introduce yourself.

The only problem with the salary portion of your solution is that congress members don't care at all about their salary. We could eliminate their pay and little would change. They are all getting rich through insider trading and taking payoffs from special interests, to Include foreign governments.

The 150 billion is gone. Much of it went into politicians pockets. Some of it is just gone. There will never be any accounting for it.

Our country is gone. Our government is corrupt beyond imagination.

Just look at Alexandria Ocasio Cortez of New York. She was a bartender before she went to Congress. She arrived in Washington DC and loudly complained that she could not afford an apartment. Fast forward 2 years later. On a $149,000 salary, which totals up to $298,000 in 2 years, she reported a net worth of over 5 million.

Ponder that.
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Well-Known Fanatic
Fanatic Family
Jan 15, 2021
Eastern North Carolina
Good Morning.

Do you get emails like this? :confused: I do, & it's always we need more Money to beat the gun grabbers who want you disarmed. Why? o_O Commie 101.
Look at the Co$t of ammo, guns, & anything shooting related + TAX today. And then comes another .ORG with their hands out for more $ to pay for my Right to keep & bear guns.

It is a privilege to own & drive an Automobile. You buy it, & pay way more in upkeep than you will ever get back out of it. You trade it for 1/2 it's worth & the dealer doubles the price,
then screws you on a new model.

Time to stop the drip, drip of our $, & stop paying for a God/US Constitution given Right!! What's next a ban on money, churchs, food, speech, parenting?
As long as the Demoncrats think they have the support of their willing Idiots they will start disarming the United States NOW. Communism 101, it's all in the history books.

Just spent $83.00 to reup my Carry permit, a right to bear without charge :oops: I know. The point is, NCFC could not get the GOP majority NC Senate to pass Constitutional Carry here in NC.
Why in hell should I send them a Ben Franklin now and again, to fight the Communist Government in charge of America today. A pop gun won't get her done.

Gold is pretty, however, lead is worth so much more.
Always remember, History teaches us that those who allow themselves to be disarmed, will not get freedom back for centuries. It all depends if the gun owners of America will rise up & put the 2nd amendment to use here & now.

Dear Mike aka, we need more $$$

Democrats are weaponizing our kids, our schools, the media narrative and now the federal government against us in their mission to destroy our gun rights, Mike.

Last Friday, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris announced the creation of a new federal office called "The Office of Gun Violence Prevention."

Without a doubt, it will be just as successful as the government's war on drugs or their effort to "fix" our immigration problem (all of which, just like "gun violence," are problems that their policies create in the first place).

But like you, I know that preventing "gun violence" (which is a term they cannot/refuse to define) was never their goal anyway.

The mission of this new office is simple: get professional gun-control activists on the federal dole and give them every government resource available to unleash gun-control at every single level of government.

The office is going to be "led" by Vice President Kamala Harris, but even more terrifying are the two chief deputies that will actually run the office.

First is a guy named Greg Jackson, who used to run the "Community Justice Action Fund," a leftwing community advocacy organization that focused on defunding the police.

But even worse is the other deputy director, Rob Wilcox.

Before getting a taxpayer-funded paycheck on Friday, Wilcox was the senior director for federal affairs at Michael Bloomberg's "Everytown for Gun Safety," used to work at the Brady Campaign, and as a lawyer made a living suing gun manufacturers.

To put it bluntly, hiring people like Jackson and Wilcox to lead this new office is a political declaration of war on the 2nd Amendment by Joe Biden's White House.

This new "office" has two main objectives:

  1. Expedite the implementation of Biden's "Bipartisan Safer Communities Act of 2022."

    This law, which passed only with the help of over a dozen traitorous Republicans, appropriated BILLIONS of dollars for the Radical Left's "community outreach" programs all over America.

    In other words, if there is a local group of gun-control advocates, they're not going to be fully funded to promote their agenda using your tax dollars in your local community.

  2. Investigate, recommend and expedite the implementation of new executive orders.

    Think the ATF's rule change – at the direction of the Biden Administration – reclassifying braced pistols as short-barrel-rifles was bad? The Biden administration and the Radical Left are just getting started.
The Communist Left is making it abundantly clear that they have zero interest in peacefully coexisting with their political opponents anymore.

The Communist Left wants to RULE over you and me like we're serfs, the principles of freedom and liberty be damned.

That is why I'm asking you to make a donation to North Carolina Firearms Coalition right now to help us meet our fundraising goals before the end of the third quarter deadline tonight at midnight.

You see, in response to the active threat of federal tyranny, North Carolina Firearms Coalition is laser-focused on making North Carolina the next state to pass the Second Amendment Preservation Act (SAPA) into law.

Rooted in the 10th Amendment, our powerful SAPA law says that North Carolina law enforcement, which North Carolina taxpayers pay for, will only enforce North Carolina's gun laws and NOT tyrannical gun-control laws, executive orders or ATF rulings that come out of Washington DC.

But the system in Raleigh is rigged against rights advocacy groups like North Carolina Firearms Coalition, who depend on support from our members to pressure the politicians into doing what they were elected to do.

In Raleigh, the normal way to get a bill passed is to walk around with a big fat stack of PAC checks in your back pocket and fan them around to everyone like a blackjack dealer.

And while we aren't corrupt and want to keep our souls intact, we still we need to win these political fights and get SAPA passed.

So with North Carolina Firearms Coalition' 3rd fiscal quarter ending at midnight, I'm trying to make sure we have the resources necessary to get SAPA over the line.

Please make a donation of whatever amount you can afford to North Carolina Firearms Coalition today to help us finish this quarter STRONG!

For North Carolina,
As you can see in my signature, I'm a member of several organizations. The most important one is GOA. So, yes, I get many emails asking for money. I pay my dues and rarely send money otherwise.

Unfortunately, our 2nd Amendment is constantly under attack, so fighting back is a necessity. Our legal system is ridiculously expensive.

I'm careful about where I contribute money. Corruption is always a possibility. Generally speaking, I believe the number of requests you receive for money is directly proportionate to the possibility that the organization is corrupt.


Aug 26, 2023
Welcome to the forum from Eastern NC. Please introduce yourself.

The only problem with the salary portion of your solution is that congress members don't care at all about their salary. We could eliminate their pay and little would change. They are all getting rich through insider trading and taking payoffs from special interests, to Include foreign governments.

The 150 billion is gone. Much of it went into politicians pockets. Some of it is just gone. There will never be any accounting for it.

Our country is gone. Our government is corrupt beyond imagination.

Just look at Alexandria Ocasio Cortez of New York. She was a bartender before she went to Congress. She arrived in Washington DC and loudly complained that she could not afford an apartment. Fast forward 2 years later. On a $149,000 salary, which totals up to $298,000 in 2 years, she reported a net worth of over 5 million.

Ponder that.
The very reason you spay and Neuter your Democrats


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    4.1 MB

Bob Lee

Well-Known Fanatic
Jul 27, 2018
I have a solution that will take about 30 minutes to end all of the Financial struggles... Take back the $150,000,000,000 given out to Ukraine and other Entities. Put it back into the National Treasury. Tell the rest of the World to Pound Sand and allocate the money to Homeless Veterans, Homeless Children, and Families, stop paying Congress $149,000 min a year. Pay congress $47,500 a year.
Two Years and the USA is Debt-Free
That makes far too much sense! You wanna be president???

Bob Lee

Well-Known Fanatic
Jul 27, 2018
The very reason you spay and Neuter your Democrats
Hope the hag is a better bartender than politician. Some how I seriously doubt that though. Can't print the rest of my thoughts about her, and I really shouldn't even think such things. Shame on me.
The very reason you spay and Neuter your Democrats

Mike A

Well-Known Fanatic
Fanatic Family
Sep 18, 2018
I have a solution that will take about 30 minutes to end all of the Financial struggles... Take back the $150,000,000,000 given out to Ukraine and other Entities. Put it back into the National Treasury. Tell the rest of the World to Pound Sand and allocate the money to Homeless Veterans, Homeless Children, and Families, stop paying Congress $149,000 min a year. Pay congress $47,500 a year.
Two Years and the USA is Debt-Free
The answer my friend has been blowing in the wind for those willing to hear the truth. ;) Growing up in 50s 60s in the US Army, never living @ any Fort for more than 2 years overseas. Every GI, & their dependants & our Teachers all talked about the Communist making inroads into America.

When your were growing up did your teachers & Parents talk to you about the Dangers of letting the Communist gain a foothold in America?
We now have a Country or not, that has Communist in every position of Power, eg. POTUS, SCOTUS, Congress, Senate, DOJ, CIA, FBI, IRS, VA, etc.
