Grow your own?

Mike A

Well-Known Fanatic
Fanatic Family
Sep 18, 2018
The Globalist are hard at work trying to starve humanity.


Bob Lee

Well-Known Fanatic
Jul 27, 2018
The Globalist are hard at work trying to starve humanity.

This is sick! Now I just read where 4 little kids we shot supposedly because their ball rolled into some ones driveway. I'm pretty sure there is far more to it than that. I refuse to read anything like that, because everything is so distorted, and the facts may never see the light of day. I despise the left's war against guns, and all the foolish sheeple that buy into the crap. We are NOT the problem. All the WOKE fools throughout the govt, and the general population serve a far different god that the God I serve. My God is the creator of everything, He is Supreme over everything. Their god is satan as far as I'm concerned. We are living in a dangerous time now, best be ready for the worst. God rules, and He has warned us in His Holy Word that this was coming. Stay strong, stay aware, and stand ready to defend your faith, yourself, your family and loved ones, and everything you care about. It's coming, and it will NOT be pleasant. God Bless us all. If it comes down to it, Pray our faith is strong, our aim is true, and our courage is well placed. Stay safe y'all


Well-Known Fanatic
Nov 16, 2022
The Globalist are hard at work trying to starve humanity.

The things come to my mind are not catastrophic incidents but more often laws that put farmers out of business. For example in the Netherlands recently laws were enacted that literally were going to put many of their farmers out of business.
I think that there is a hidden agenda here. Land relative to population is in high demand in that country. Farms tend to be level ground and are ideal real estate for wind farms, air ports, industries, and other things that big monied investors are interested in. From being a major exporter of food, it looks like that relationship will be reversed.
There is no second amendment and the most farmers can do is to use their farm machinery for blockages.
During a heated day of farm protests, the Dutch police opened fire at a 16-year-old boy in a tractor and detained three demonstrators in the northern Netherlands.

Police in northern Friesland said on Wednesday that no one was hurt in the incident that involved warning shots and direct targeting of a tractor that broke free from a line. They claimed that he tried to drive his tractor into police cars. Dec 10, 2022

FARMERS in the Netherlands are furious over government plans to buy and close down up to 3,000 productive farms in order to comply with controversial European Union plans to reduce emissions.
The Dutch government says it must reduce its nitrous oxide and ammonia emissions levels by 50 percent by 2030 to comply with EU regulations.
In order to do this it has proposed forced buy outs of up to 3,000 farms that are deemed as 'peak polluters' starting next year, if farmers do not sell voluntarily or take immediate action to reduce their emissions.

Mike A

Well-Known Fanatic
Fanatic Family
Sep 18, 2018
Lets not forget the real goal of the New World Order.

Replace all private ownership of food production & give total control over to the state.

The reason? To control populations by food depravation. Hunger, a strong incentive to Obey. :eek:
Grow your own. Be uncontrollable.
happy man GIF by HORNBACH

Even if we defeat them it will take decades to get our food supply back to normal. o_O



Well-Known Fanatic
Nov 16, 2022
Lets not forget the real goal of the New World Order.

Replace all private ownership of food production & give total control over to the state.

The reason?
To control populations by food depravation. Hunger, a strong incentive to Obey. :eek:
Grow your own. Be uncontrollable.
happy man GIF by HORNBACH

Even if we defeat them it will take decades to get our food supply back to normal. o_O

Politicians and their appointed bureaucrats simply want to control. The big problem in the future will feeding earth's population as 'things' happen. Right large companies are buying up land in many places of the world including the USA. I hear some of the land in the USA is being purchased by chinese companies. Food production may be large controlled by multinational companies that obey no government.
I am not sure what is a normal food supply any more and many of today's metabolic diseases are due to our diet that has replaced animal fat for corn and other plant derived oils.
In the USA we have enough calories from our farms to feed people. For now that is not true in some places, particularly Africa that could be a bread basket for the world is they could build more roads & bridges, railroads, and Dams for hydroelectric and irrigation.

Mike A

Well-Known Fanatic
Fanatic Family
Sep 18, 2018

Remember when trans fats were supposed to be good for you?

Common sense food ideas from our ancestors tell us all we need to know. Grandma knew what to eat.



Feb 11, 2011
Ponca City, Ok
Well, we are given dominion over every animal, and all things are good by Him who made all.

These freakin wierdos apparently have no life, so only aspire to make someone elses as dismal as their own. We definitely need to grow and harvest as much of our own food as possible. As Mike points out our parents and grandparents all did, I know mine did.
I continue the tradition.




Feb 11, 2011
Ponca City, Ok
Politicians and their appointed bureaucrats simply want to control. The big problem in the future will feeding earth's population as 'things' happen. Right large companies are buying up land in many places of the world including the USA. I hear some of the land in the USA is being purchased by chinese companies. Food production may be large controlled by multinational companies that obey no government.
I am not sure what is a normal food supply any more and many of today's metabolic diseases are due to our diet that has replaced animal fat for corn and other plant derived oils.
In the USA we have enough calories from our farms to feed people. For now that is not true in some places, particularly Africa that could be a bread basket for the world is they could build more roads & bridges, railroads, and Dams for hydroelectric and irrigation.
The chinese are buying thousands upon thousands of acres of farm land, some very near some of our military bases. They are sending the food grown to china.
They also own a pork production business that is nationwide in the US. Lot's of the pork producers sell their product to this company.
I know Oklahoma will pass a law soon that the chinese or any foreign entity cannot buy land or property in our state. When the medical mary jane law was passed, it was so full of loopholes that the chinese came in, paid double or triple prices for land and started grows. They imported workers as indentured servants, mostly sneaking in across our southern border that remains wide open.
State finally had enough and has shut down over 2000 grows that were operating illegally.
Way to many legal ones still survive.


Feb 11, 2011
Ponca City, Ok
It's a tradition among Scandinavians to put a little food in the animal's mouth to feed them on their journey to the afterlife.
We have bought only one pound of ground beef in about 33 years. Deer, and elk have supplied our meat with the occasional steak from beef cattle. The lakes and rivers have supplied our fish requirements.
As was said, God put animals on this earth to feed us. Some places like Northern Oklahoma have become overran with them to the point we have to control the population for their own safety.
Nobody wants to see a herd of sickly animals that will die a slow death because they have over browsed the food in their area.
That is where conservation comes into play. Hunters controlling the herd keeps the bulk of the herd heathy and thriving. State wildlife biologists constantly monitor the herds to determine when and how many need to be harvested for the better good.


Well-Known Fanatic
Nov 16, 2022
It's a tradition among Scandinavians to put a little food in the animal's mouth to feed them on their journey to the afterlife.
We have bought only one pound of ground beef in about 33 years. Deer, and elk have supplied our meat with the occasional steak from beef cattle. The lakes and rivers have supplied our fish requirements.
As was said, God put animals on this earth to feed us. Some places like Northern Oklahoma have become overran with them to the point we have to control the population for their own safety.
Nobody wants to see a herd of sickly animals that will die a slow death because they have over browsed the food in their area.
That is where conservation comes into play. Hunters controlling the herd keeps the bulk of the herd heathy and thriving. State wildlife biologists constantly monitor the herds to determine when and how many need to be harvested for the better good.
Many believe that there are more deer here than when white man first arrived. The land has been changed a lot and a lot of the rural folk are not as poor and hungry as they once were. Go to a state like many parts of Alabama that are full of deer. People up there say in the late 1930's to the 1950's did not see a whole lot of deer in Alabama. It seems to coincide with end of small sharecroppers that deer and feral pigs spread all over the place.
Edit to add:
Now that the deer are increasing especially in rural located subdivisions, natures controls are coming back also. Now the cougar are back just about everywhere with people seeing them now and then. The deer also have diseases that may serve to limit over populations and the coyotes are evolving into bigger canines perhaps with evolution's intentions of being big enough to take down adult deer.
Wisely regulated hunting and fishing may be a good way to regulate the deer and game fish populations.
Last edited:


Feb 11, 2011
Ponca City, Ok
Many believe that there are more deer here than when white man first arrived. The land has been changed a lot and a lot of the rural folk are not as poor and hungry as they once were. Go to a state like many parts of Alabama that are full of deer. People up there say in the late 1930's to the 1950's did not see a whole lot of deer. It seems to coincide with end of small sharecroppers that deer and feral pigs spread all over the place.
When I was a kid on the farm in the late 50's, if you saw a deer hoof print, you got your name in the paper with a pic of the print to prove you saw it. Poaching basically eliminated all white tail deer from Oklahoma in the 30's and 40's. Small population in the rugges SE part of the state was all that was left.
In the mid 60's, the state brought in 11 does and two bucks they had bought from Colorado to transplant. Our farm and a group of neighbors agreed to protect them forever as the base herd in the northern part of Ok.
They let us off that contract a few years later when the population exploded because it's pretty much all agricultural land with the best food they could ever eat.
In 2021, Oklahoma hunters harvested almost120,000 deer which is a small percentage of the current herd.
We are on the list of 4 states that could produce the next world record buck as they have premium food and habitat.

Bob Lee

Well-Known Fanatic
Jul 27, 2018
I have become very softhearted in my old age relative to killing things that are not my enemy or dangerous to me. But if I was hungry I would do what needed to be done and show respect and sorrow over the act. As in this scene from 'last of the mohicans'

An excellent movie. I had a boss at one time who was a hunter, he said he felt sad when he killed a deer, and when I asked him why he felt that way his reply was, if I get to the point that it doesn't bother me any longer, I'll give up hunting. I have not hunted in years, but if it came down to hunt or starve, I'd definitely hunt. Also heard a Pastor who was also a hunter, when his son shot a doe, the first thing Pastor did was say a prayer of thanks to God for the deer. I was very impressed.

Bob Lee

Well-Known Fanatic
Jul 27, 2018
When I was a kid on the farm in the late 50's, if you saw a deer hoof print, you got your name in the paper with a pic of the print to prove you saw it. Poaching basically eliminated all white tail deer from Oklahoma in the 30's and 40's. Small population in the rugges SE part of the state was all that was left.
In the mid 60's, the state brought in 11 does and two bucks they had bought from Colorado to transplant. Our farm and a group of neighbors agreed to protect them forever as the base herd in the northern part of Ok.
They let us off that contract a few years later when the population exploded because it's pretty much all agricultural land with the best food they could ever eat.
In 2021, Oklahoma hunters harvested almost120,000 deer which is a small percentage of the current herd.
We are on the list of 4 states that could produce the next world record buck as they have premium food and habitat.
I remember growing up in the 60's and we didn't see many deer at all. When you did see one it was quite a big deal. It must have been early 70's when they started to make a comeback in lower Michigan. Now they're everywhere.


Well-Known Fanatic
Nov 16, 2022
An excellent movie. I had a boss at one time who was a hunter, he said he felt sad when he killed a deer, and when I asked him why he felt that way his reply was, if I get to the point that it doesn't bother me any longer, I'll give up hunting. I have not hunted in years, but if it came down to hunt or starve, I'd definitely hunt. Also heard a Pastor who was also a hunter, when his son shot a doe, the first thing Pastor did was say a prayer of thanks to God for the deer. I was very impressed.
I am like the indian and would rather show respect to the deer. If you believe Jehovah put that deer on earth, then then thank both Jehovah/God and the deer.
There was a time when what evolved to become man was just another animal and our most ancient ancestors as a matter of course got eaten by other beasts. We got smarter and got a better tool kit and now what is on earth if it is large enough we control mostly. The smallest things like viruses not so much. But fungi and bacteria, some of them serve us to make bread raise, beer to ferment, and also to make cheese plus a lot of new things that we are making.

Mike A

Well-Known Fanatic
Fanatic Family
Sep 18, 2018
I have become very softhearted in my old age relative to killing things that are not my enemy or dangerous to me. But if I was hungry I would do what needed to be done and show respect and sorrow over the act. As in this scene from 'last of the mohicans'

Finding sources of protein should be Job #1 & killing cats dogs, deer even Bugs, should not be something we should be bothered by.
Mankind overtime has used animals for food. What's changed? I'm sure some multi hair colored snowflake will start a movement to save bugs if we start eating them. o_O When your family is hungry any game, is fair game.

I grew up overseas going to farmers markets aka. Mercados. I saw everything that flew, swam or walked for sale to eat.
Blood was not wasted but consumed as Protein & every plant that could be eaten was sold for human consumption.

When you are in a survival situation, Bugs will save you life & that's what you hunt first. A lot of BS being spread about eating bugs.



Well-Known Fanatic
Nov 16, 2022
Finding sources of protein should be Job #1 & killing cats dogs, deer even Bugs, should not be something we should be bothered by.
Mankind overtime has used animals for food. What's changed? I'm sure some multi hair colored snowflake will start a movement to save bugs if we start eating them. o_O When your family is hungry any game, is fair game.

I grew up overseas going to farmers markets aka. Mercados. I saw everything that flew, swam or walked for sale to eat.
Blood was not wasted but consumed as Protein & every plant that could be eaten was sold for human consumption.

When you are in a survival situation, Bugs will save you life & that's what you hunt first. A lot of BS being spread about eating bugs.

I wonder if one can eat fire ants. They are the most common insect in florida and easy enough to find.