Hickok45 announces he can no longer support the NRA


New Fanatic
Jul 17, 2019
Our Country is in serious trouble look what happened in the last election all the Democratic nut jobs that got in and we can't trusthalf of the Republicans without a strong NRA it will only get worse Wayne will not resign it will be hard but the board has to do the job.


Well-Known Fanatic
Jun 8, 2018
NW Ohio
Lifetime member! I find that this should be as easy as they need to be held accountable for the money or be cut off! I won't run from the NRA when we need them as much or more now than we ever have. Just needs to be some questions asked and answered, put his a$$ on a budget! Just like the rest of us live by!
I've paid my lifetime dues but don't send them any more money with all this going on. They want more donations from me they need to fix this! I tell them that when they call me asking for "money for the fight!!"
You want to fix this? Do it like everything else in life, hit them in the pocket book, that is the ONLY thing they'll notice.
I hope that they'll take notice before they're solvent though because like I said we need the NRA along with the other pro 2nd organizations. I belong to most of them.
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Aug 10, 2019
The left are licking their lips in anticipation of the destruction of the NRA,I'm a life member...do I have a voice to be heard..


Well-Known Fanatic
Mar 9, 2019
I was taught that you don't cut and run when the going gets tough. Sorry folks but
I don't applaud the Hickock boys for what they are doing, and I was one of their
biggest fans.



Mar 7, 2019
There was a lot of bad blood traveling through the halls at the convention this year. Mostly in the form of second hand info, and such, but not much in the form of fact. I don't think this will be the last "separation, or divorce" between the organization and some of their longtime supporters. Like they mention in the video, maybe, over time, they will get things in shape. I have always been bothered by the "lavish lifestyle" reports and stories that have been around for a long time. Hope they can fix it!
I am an Endowment Life member and I didn't join for the process of enriching Wayne LaPierre. I've read that the NRA pays for LaPierre's suits as well as his home, travel, etc., etc.. LaPierre should get a reasonable salary and nothing else. No plane tickets, no clothing allowance, no travel allowance for his family. If LaPierre wants fancy suits and first class plane tickets and the rest of his luxury amenities he needs to dig into his own wallet in order to pay for them. The guy who is running the NRA should place Second Amendment rights above all else.


Active Fanatic
Feb 20, 2019
I was taught that you don't cut and run when the going gets tough. Sorry folks but
I don't applaud the Hickock boys for what they are doing, and I was one of their
biggest fans.


Copy what Zeke says! I too originally loved and watched all the Hickok's vids but I will not watch their vids anymore since they have made this seriously bad judgement with the public opinion power that we gave them by being their fans/followers.


Well-Known Fanatic
Jun 27, 2018
Richmond, VA
I am an Endowment Life member and I didn't join for the process of enriching Wayne LaPierre. I've read that the NRA pays for LaPierre's suits as well as his home, travel, etc., etc.. LaPierre should get a reasonable salary and nothing else. No plane tickets, no clothing allowance, no travel allowance for his family. If LaPierre wants fancy suits and first class plane tickets and the rest of his luxury amenities he needs to dig into his own wallet in order to pay for them. The guy who is running the NRA should place Second Amendment rights above all else.
I totally agree and LaPierre needs to go for the good of the NRA!

Hickok45 always seemed like a decent guy and very knowledgeable. I still watch some of his You Tube videos regardless. Lots and lots of donors, regular people, and famous people are speaking out against the NRA - and with good intentions - not putting down the 2A at all. They are all saying, "Hey, wait a minute here... Something ain't right..." And point fingers at LaPierre and his shenanigans.

I have since joined GOA and couldn't be happier. Granted, yes, the NRA will always be the "800 pound gorilla in the room", but then the GOA is also the "nasty little rabid pitbull in the room" also!!! :D


Active Fanatic
Feb 20, 2019
Its fine to also join the GAO, but it is not in our pro2A community's interest to support (fall for) the anti's attacks on the NRA. It is fine to wonder about the internal functioning of the NRA and discuss it discretely within truly pro2A circles (which an open public blog is not, unfortunately), but it is not in our pro 2A community's interest to allow ourselves to be panicked by "partial truths" into fleeing or publicly undermining the NRA.

I don't doubt that the Hickoks are well meaning but they have allowed themselves to be duped into making public statements repeating alleged negative "circumstances" within the NRA (which might in fact be lies planted by anti2A activists) and in so doing the Hickoks have allowed their influence to be at least temporarily turned into a tool of those wishing to undermine pro2A community. If I am to follow my own advice that I am giving here to support each other within the 2A community, then maybe I should *not* stop watching the Hickoks' vids, but to everyone who is a true 2A supporter (and not an anti2A troll), please don't fall for the anti2A-activists' tricks that the Hickoks have fallen for! The Hickoks and a lot of other people are falling for these Leninst(communist)-style dis-information campaign tricks that anti2A folks are using to attack and undermine the pro2A community from the inside out. In this campaign, the anti2A activists are leveraging personalized bickering and opportunistic competition within the 2A community, which is energy that they are diverting--in a jujitsu-like fashion--to attack and undermine the 2A community's strengths, such as the NRA. The antis use the anti2A liberals in media such as the papers and cable stations cited earlier in this thread to advance their slander and then plant it deeper by infiltrating our open community posing as pro-2A persons, and inciting distrust from within. There may be some partial elements of "truth" to the slander, making it all the more confusing for true 2A supporters, who are duped into taking the "truths" out of context.

Today the antis are using this tactic to attack the NRA, and they are eating popcorn while they watch the effects, which are that un-suspecting members of the 2A community eat their own champions alive. The antis have targeted WLP for smearing with catty gossip that well-meaning pro2A people in this thread--like the Hickoks--keep falling for, and recirculating. They are trying to make pro2A grassroots people jealous of WLP--which is a classic tactic of communist identity political warfare--so that we pro2A folks will take him down ourselves. They are trying to mobilize a self-eating mob within the pro2A community by getting us to tell ourselves "lots of other people are 'speaking out' with 'good intentions' so it must be correct".

If the antis succeed today in getting the pro2A community to cannibalize its own top champion institution the NRA in this way, then tomorrow they will do the same to GOA and to others, and as a result, before we can blink there will be dire consequences for 2A rights. If/when that happens, the same un-suspecting members of the 2A community who----like the Hickoks--were duped into undermining and even destroying their own strengths, will be scratching their heads and wondering how it all happened, but by that point it will be too late. I hope we all wake up now and stop allowing ourselves to be pitted against each other by devious antis.


Apr 3, 2019
LaPierre and Cox did step in and stopped New Orleans from confiscating guns. This was after Katrina. "The Great New Orleans Gun Grab" is an informative read. Like to see the NRA get back to the basics, education and training.
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Well-Known Fanatic
Oct 30, 2018
I'm your Huckleberry
The one thing I know for sure about reported news, is that I never know what to believe. For all we know, maybe the NRA was funding Hickok and decided to redirect funds.

I'm not happy with what I've read about the NRA, but it also wouldn't surprise me if there is significant leftist spin being applied to the reports, or the left paying NRA insiders to stir up s#!t. .

I don't like what I'm hearing, but NRA still has the most punch at the federal level. Hopefully Wayne steps down as that would be a step forward in recovering the credibility of the organization.


Apr 3, 2019
No other 2A organization has the power in Washington that the NRA has. We need that power more than ever right now. Get your house in order NRA!! Shame on Hickok45 for his actions.