SC Gun Bills Currently Filed

John Canuck

Well-Known Fanatic
Aug 3, 2011
I've been working on this for a while and just finished it up. These are my opinions only so I'm not trying to tell others what to think about these proposals. I'll try to keep this up to date so let me know if I missed anything.

Link to look up the bills >


Well-Known Fanatic
Dec 3, 2012
Thank you for all of your time and research efforts John. I appreciate you posting this (and your opinions). I have got some reading to do.

Thanks again...



Well-Known Fanatic
Nov 7, 2011
John, good on you for taking the time to read these bills , and im sure more, and sharing them. i would not have had a clue where to look or how to interpret them. i dont want to take away from your work because it will help some.

so here is my 2 cents.

all of these guys just want their bill passed. "i did this. keep me in office" i dont have the answer but we probably all agree that laws are just piling up by the thousands. if we could get someone to rid us of so many bills and laws, which there seems to be one for every circumstance, it would be less complicated, seems to me. ive said before, the same with penalitys. in my opinion, the 4th ammendment i believe, should be as scrutinized as the 2nd is being, as in speedy trial and exicution of sentence.

in my youth i was taught there was a penility for bad behavior. i didnt know the law for each action, i just knew better than to break the "law". people dont seem to care about the penilitys now. its backward. we are now being oppressed wrongly and penilitys mean nothing anymore, to the new age criminal.

the answer? thank people like you who keep up with whats going on and maybe elect a president, real president, who will work for the people instead of what ever has been going on.

this is just my opinion. it may or may not be understood by all.


Well-Known Fanatic
Dec 3, 2012
As a (former) San Diego and California native, being born, raised and living there my entire life, things like this get me excited. I had basically given up on anything rational ever happening in California and simply lived my life by the beach blissfully ignorant as to what was really happening. Hell, people can legally smoke weed with a "doctors note" so who really cared about anything else (insert sarcasm here)? There was a "collective" pot store a few blocks from my house. AR-15 Bullet button...10 round magazine limit...illegal to drive barefoot....ehhhh. The state is DOMINATED by the democrats and I swear the phrase "sheeple" must have been coined because of California. What could I do about it if I had even cared to?

Then, thankfully, I moved my wife and little boy here to the South less than a year ago and WHAM! Holy sh*t! Ya'all (did I type that right) actually have rights! You can get a CCW, not have a bullet button, have 30 round magazines, suppressors, people say yes sir and no ma'am...I was and am still amazed at this great state and very thankful to be here with so many likeminded individuals. People that actually care about freedom, rights, and the constitution. I'm pissed at how ignorant I was in San Diego because I was blinded by that beautiful sunshine and weather. Having a son changed all of that.

I agree way I would have known of any of these if John had not cared to research it and share it on the forum. I also agree that the ridiculous number of laws pushed by people to further their own "cause" or career is disturbing to say the least. My goodness...just thinking of the number of gun laws and driving laws that are on the books and completely ignored or are irrelevant makes me cringe.

I just hope that the people here in this state continue to care enough to stand up for what is right. From what I have seen here on this forum and from others I meet it is happening. I really like it here. I really like the people here. I don't want any type of "Californication" happening here.

My point? That I really appreciate people like John, yourself, and the other members of this forum voicing their opinions, sharing their experiences, and supporting one another. This is the reason I joined this "local" forum and am very happy I did.

Sorry for the lengthy email and if I have offended anyone. My 2 year old went to bed early, getting a chance to enjoy a cocktail or two, and wanted to say thank you to people like yourselves. I hope you know how great you/we have it here in SC compared to other places in the US.

Cheers to a nice weekend everyone....Mike

John Canuck

Well-Known Fanatic
Aug 3, 2011
It's my pleasure fellas. Like I said, I'm not trying to tell anyone what to think or support. I just hope this makes it easier to write emails for the stuff you want to get through, or the stuff you want to kill.


Well-Known Fanatic
May 6, 2012
Lexington, SC
H 3072 - Smith, Taylor et al
To amend section 23-31-250 to prohibit a property owner from creating a policy that
prohibits a person from storing guns or ammunition in their vehicle
House Judiciary Committee
>>>> I oppose attempts to use the power of government to restrict a property owners right
to determine what happens on his own property.

H 3186 - Dillard, McLeod
Save our Children Gun Lock Act
House Judiciary Committee
>>>> I cannot support laws that prescribe storage methods of personal property. This law
makes it a criminal offense to store a gun as I see fit, if that method doesn't meet the
state requirements.

I want to read into these bills.

For the first one: If I leave a loaded pistol magazine in my car overnight, according to that bill, would be a criminal act? The problem with this, and why I don't think it'll pass, is that vehicles are covered in the Castle doctrine, as it's my home away from home. If I can't carry a pistol into a restaurant that serves alcohol, and can't leave it in my vehicle when I'm there, then I'm effectively DISARMED. Also, if someone acquires a firearm from my vehicle, then it was done so illegally, whether my car is in my driveway or a public parking lot.

And to the 2nd one: I don't have kids in my house at the moment, probably sometime in the not-too-distant future, though. I need to read the bill to see what it says specifically about storage, but I am assuming it's going to make it inconvenient to access should an emergency, and the need for the weapon, arise.

John Canuck

Well-Known Fanatic
Aug 3, 2011
I added a link to the fourth post to look up bills.

I'll give you my understanding of H 3070.

I believe it is directed at property owners who forbid employees from having guns on their property. In some states, the NRA has had success with bills to forbid employers from enforcing these policies.

The argument for is that the car is the property of the employee and the employer shouldn't be allowed to prohibit the employee from storing a firearm in his car, regardless of where that car goes. Those that argue for this law seek to have the government infringe on the rights of a property owner, to enforce the rights of another property owner.

The argument against is that the government should never be empowered to infringe on the rights of an individual. While your gun might be in your car, and you should be allowed to keep it there everywhere it's not illegal, you don't have the right to force the owner of a property to allow you to bring the gun, whether inside your property or not, onto his.


Sep 14, 2011
John Canuck said:
I added a link to the fourth post to look up bills.

I'll give you my understanding of H 3070.

I believe it is directed at property owners who forbid employees from having guns on their property. In some states, the NRA has had success with bills to forbid employers from enforcing these policies.

The argument for is that the car is the property of the employee and the employer shouldn't be allowed to prohibit the employee from storing a firearm in his car, regardless of where that car goes. Those that argue for this law seek to have the government infringe on the rights of a property owner, to enforce the rights of another property owner.

The argument against is that the government should never be empowered to infringe on the rights of an individual. While your gun might be in your car, and you should be allowed to keep it there everywhere it's not illegal, you don't have the right to force the owner of a property to allow you to bring the gun, whether inside your property or not, onto his.

The counter to that though is that without having some location to store your gun, you effectively create a chain effect. If even one place you visit disallows guns in a parked car then you are unable to carry for the duration of that trip. Its a 30 minute drive for me to get into town for example. I simply cannot go back and forth to my residence to drop off and pickup my gun on the whims of each individual location. Without this it creates a situation where many are either going to break the law anyways, or carry becomes too big of a hassle to practice at all.

If they want to prohibit carry into the structure then so be it, but such a law preserves the right of a permit holder to have SOMEWHERE they can leave their gun.

John Canuck

Well-Known Fanatic
Aug 3, 2011
I understand what you are saying, and fully expect some people to support the government using its power to violate the rights of property owners. I would hope those same people wouldn't be running around demanding the government respect their rights, while encouraging it to violate others.

John Canuck

Well-Known Fanatic
Aug 3, 2011
New updates on the first page in color!

As committee schedules are published, and sub-committees are assigned, it's not a bad time to hit the members of the various committees/sub-committees with another round of emails.


New Fanatic
Feb 9, 2013
As a employee at a company who does not allow me to have my firearm locked in my car while I am at work I support this bill. I have to travel a considerable distance to work in the early morning hours and have to be disarmed due to their policy. This is essentially a way to disarm the public by allowing businesses or people to not allow firearms in a locked vehicle in the parking lot or their property. I mean I am for property rights but you already have it in your car if you visit a persons property whom you may not know if they want a firearm in your car on their property. This is sometimes unknown. Just saying that if you cant keep it in your car you might as well not carry outside of your home because you do not always no if you will be within the law on your daily travels....

John Canuck

Well-Known Fanatic
Aug 3, 2011
H 3575 added. Gilliard has decided he doesn't want to get re-elected. I hope folks in the Charleston district 111 are paying attention.


Well-Known Fanatic
Dec 27, 2011
John Canuck said:
H 3575 added. Gilliard has decided he doesn't want to get re-elected. I hope folks in the Charleston district 111 are paying attention.

:D :D :D

Gilliard ran unopposed in 2008/2012, even in the primary. He got 99% of the vote. He'll be re-elected handily even if he commits a felony.

I don't understand why the SC GOP doesn't put people on the ballot. District 111 is probably gerrymandered like crazy, but they haven't put up a candidate in more competitive districts like D27. Romney carried D27 55% and the GOP can't find someone to run for state office?