Take care of yourself


Well-Known Fanatic
Jan 14, 2010
Greenville, SC
So we all love shooting sports, hunting, camping, etc. But how many of you guys/girls take good care of YOU?

We are our own most important tools, that includes our minds and our bodies. What is your workout regimen? What do you put in your body? Is your BMI healthy? Are you medication dependent?

How much healthier could you be by making the right choices in life in regards to diet and exercise? What are the negative effects of putting medication in your body every day? How much more enjoyable would your life be if you weren't hauling around 20 or 30 or 100 extra lbs?

I say all of this as someone that is trying to live a healthy life after neglecting myself for a decade. Its tough, but its totally worth it.


Well-Known Fanatic
Jan 14, 2010
Greenville, SC
Well diet and exercise are harder for most people than buying toys and stocking food. It certainly was for me. It requires a different type of discipline to go make yourself sore 4-5 times a week, and pass up food that is frankly delicious. I am not a teetotaler, but I try to moderate my intake of "bad" stuff. I also don't eat fast food. I just gave up fake sugar after they are finding out how it totally screws up your insulin levels and causes some serious issues including weight gain.

Funny thing I have found is that my diet resembles my grandparents a lot now. They farmed and ate what they grew. They lived on coffee, tea, water. They ate veggies, meat, and a little dairy. Its simple, but its working for me.

Add to that a few days of exercise and I'm in better shape than I have been in in a long time.


Well-Known Fanatic
Dec 23, 2009
M. C., S.C.
We moved beef to an occasional food and put cold water fish, chicken and lots of fresh veggie into our diet. A hand full of tree nuts instead of junk food and infrequent lean pork well drained and I'm down from 300 to 265 and slowly moving on down. Basically a Mediterranean diet. Been practicing moving off the 'X' when shooting when that opportunity available. Added running / moving with muzzle control this year. 60 years, Arthur and his sister Bursa and cousin tendon the 'itis' family make exercise challenging. Pulled a tendon out the bone on one foot so I'm moving slower. Keep moving when you can.

The secret to long life is to keep breathing! :lol:


Well-Known Fanatic
Apr 9, 2012
Florence, SC
I finished my second morning of walking/jogging on the treadmill before work. I'm planning to keep it going!


Well-Known Fanatic
Jan 14, 2010
Greenville, SC
beerman said:
I finished my second morning of walking/jogging on the treadmill before work. I'm planning to keep it going!

Thats the way to do it. Best thing to do is just get some type of goal or schedule. I use more of a goal system for me. For example, My goal is to complete 3 crossfit WODs per week minimum. I usually get 4 in, but I always get 3 in. This allows me more flexibility since my schedule is crazy. I have 2 in so far this week and I'll miss tonight since I am on the road, so Ill hit up the gym at the hotel. Then I'll be back to my gym thursday and friday- If I can get saturday in I'll have had a great fitness week. I almost always take sundays off.

If anyone else has some plans/goals/successes to share, please do. The more fit we all are the better it is for everyone. Especially since we have to pay for everyone's insurance now!


Well-Known Fanatic
Dec 28, 2011
I got a hunting dog.

If I don't run her 3-6 miles a day, she will destroy the world.

That is my motivation. :D

She's also super cute and less messy than my husband.


Well-Known Fanatic
Apr 9, 2012
Florence, SC
My wife has been really good about doing the jillian thing in the mornings before work, so I've finally gotten enough motivation to wake up 45 minutes earlier and walk/jog on the treadmill for 20-30 minutes. I've made it three days in a row so far. I'm planning to do it five days a week, every morning before work. Saturdays I'm pretty active around the house and Sundays are my take it easy day.