An interesting / unusual range day on Monday..


Mar 21, 2014
I suppose my most unusual range day started when I pulled up to the locked gate to find a car parked right in front of it with the driver standing outside reading the sign with the range rules.

I parked beside him (his car blocked the gate) and approached him. He asked if the range was open to the public. I told him that it was only open to members and their guests but that membership was open to the public.

He introduced himself and mentioned that he was a state Trooper. I felt that was sufficient enough vetting for our extremely brief acquaintance and invited him to shoot as my guest.

I was there to simply confirm that my 300 yard zero hadn't drifted as deer season was about to open and to bring a friend who's family duty was to zero the hunting rifles of his father-in-law, grandfather-in-law and uncle-in-law, none of them could be bothered to shoot their rifles unless a deer was in front of them, as well as confirm zero on his own rifle.

We settled in at the long range bench with target birms at 100, 200, 300 & 500 yards.

I confirmed mine at 300 with three shots in the ten ring. My buddy was just as quick with his own (he still is the most accurate shooter I know) and went on to the other guns. Our new acquaintance was having trouble finding the paper with his at 100. We moved the target back to 50 yards before he started making holes and with some adjustments to scope and mounts followed by a little coaching, he was able to consistently hit the black and 100 yards.

At which point he was either satisfied or embarrassed by his performance, he thanked me for the hospitality and went on his way.


Well-Known Fanatic
Apr 23, 2020
Rochester Hills, Mi
An update :
We had a Men's breakfast last Sat. and Trevor ( the guy who asked me to help set up the range visit that started this thread) was present.
Trevor asked me if I'd help him put together another range trip..with the same guys + 4 or 5 "new ones".
He informed me these weren't all International students, some were US citizens that wanted to have a range experience.

No idea of their level of firearm experience, I believe Trevor stated they had none. Another opportunity to show some young people
that firearm owners are "normal" people, and that using firearms responsibly can be fun. We can exercise a right we have in the U.S..A. that those living in other countries are unable to exercise or experience. It's my hope to impress on them the importance of being able to keep our Constitutional given rights by supporting those who stand strong on the 2nd Amendment. This is in addition to my/ our emphasis on firearm safety, as well as following range rules.
Trevor's supposed to get back with me on a possible date. Hopefully the weather will accommodate both indoor & outdoor sessions.


Well-Known Fanatic
Oct 9, 2018
Hope all goes well, and safe! Will be a day the new guys will never forget, in a positive way!


Well-Known Fanatic
Apr 23, 2020
Rochester Hills, Mi
I'd forgot to update this post... so I'll get back to it. Trevor had informed me that he had another group of students that wanted a range experience.
This group was different, as they were all Americans...they just had no firearm experience, & had stated a desire to give firearms a try.
I'd told Trevor I'd assist , in any way I could, just let me know when they wanted to visit the range. A weekday in March was selected, as I recall it was the day after their Spring break started (?) don't recall, but I believe they had tests completed the day before. As the weather was cold & wet, we only visited the indoor range. Had 3 young men and 2 young women. Trevor had his .22 rifle, as did I ( my Heavy barrel Savage bolt rifle) and Trevor's 9mm semi-auto pistol..not a glock, maybe a Springfield (? ) I also had my Ruger MkII (.22 auto loader) and my PSA PA-9 ( AR-9 mm) I left the revolver out this time.
Things went much the same as the last outing.. Lots of review of safe gun handling, shooting fundamentals, range rules, etc..
Big surprise for me was the tiny girl who appeared fearful of even touching any firearm ended up being the most accurate shooter !
With .22 pistol & .22 rifle ! As there was no transition to the outdoor range ( again, too cold & wet) our session was a bit shorter than the last session.
All had a good time and most importantly, were safe on the range, and all expressed a desire to do it again. I'll have to ask Trevor to send me some pics, as I'm sure he took some... I forgot my phone, so took no pics. :(


Feb 11, 2011
Ponca City, Ok
I do firearm instructions for Women that have never handled a gun before or have one and learned to shoot from dad or a husband that typically has it all wrong.
I follow your basic lesson plan. Safety, grip, trigger control, and accuracy.
A couple just have issues. Even though it's .22 RF pistols, they flinch at the shot, putting a 12" group at 10 yards.
I just tell them to relax for a moment, shut their eyes and think of an old boyfriend or husband that they hate.
Open your eyes and put that image on the bullseye.
It's amazing how the groups shrink! Get them over that fear of a firearm and the loud noises, and they can shoot!


Sep 28, 2023
trying to find the best forum to post this in, decided it closest fit here : a report on my last range trip.. as below:
Had a similar fun day one day at the range with my son and his buddies from S.F. State. I was just pulling back into my driveway from a morning of shooting clay birds with various M/L shotguns when my phone rang. It was my boy, asking if I could meet him and his college mates at the range. None of them had ever fired guns before and they were having a hard time believing my boy's stories of our shooting adventures. So, I loaded up every shotgun from .410 to 10 gauge and plenty of shells and all the clays I had left in the garage. These were all a great bunch of "kids" who all addressed me as "Mr." I met them at the gate and enlisted the aid of one of the range officials to come along for a safety lecture from someone other than just their buddy's Dad. As it turned out, they were all very cooperative in those regards. We were pretty impressed by their shooting abilities as well and it made me proud to be there with them all. I bought 2-more 135-bird boxes of clays and they exhausted all the 10 gauge and most of everything else by day's end. They all thanked me profusely and, on their way home, one of them even bought a Remington 870 off of GunBroker. Another time like that was with my daughter and her friends. Same thing with what great shots all these young ladies turned out to be. The one who surprised me the most was my daughter's best friend since childhood. She was a mere wisp of a little gal whose parents were about as "left wing" as they come. I never saw her miss once and she shot from her left shoulder using her right eye. Her boyfriend even had her shoot a 10 gauge and I didn't have my camera ready. She smiled and said, "I really see why people enjoy doing this!" She outshot her boyfriend and practically everyone else. He looked a little dejected but things must have worked out as they are still married and have their own cute little girl after 15 years.

If I learned anything on these adventures, it's that our duty is to take non-shooters out any chance you get. I have yet to see one have a bad time at the range! If I would have had my say, I never would have handed a new shooter a hard kicking gun but that little gal sure liked it. Believe these stories of mine or not, but they really happened. Who knows, you single guys might even meet a nice girl at the range as long as you don't try to impress her too much...

Take a new shooter out shooting if you ever have the chance. We need all the help we can get. Leave your politics and religion at home and see what a good time you can have.