

Well-Known Fanatic
Nov 20, 2011
While I understand the the intention. Im pretty sure that this video is subtley reenforcing the "veterans are terrorists" idealogy. Look at the shooter, in shape, screaming high and tight haircut, comfortable with a weapon, if you have been in the military, you know the look. The DHS and FBI both have statements released regarding the potential threat of returning veterans. Its bullshit.
The sikh temple shooting was a cover up to begin with, the CO shooting was at least partially staged. You dont think its a little convienient that the country, under the most anti-gun administration in history, during a time in which the UN arms treaty was being decided, and in an election year, has more mass shootings in this amount of time than EVER before.
The temple witnesses said there were FOUR shooters, not one fat army puke who was discharged under "other than honorable" conditions. Nevermind he was involved in the psychological warfare dept while he was in. Hmmmm, seeing a trend here? Holmes was involved in psychological research and the psychologist called in for the case was a former Air Force doctor involved in behavioral modification. Witness' from the theater also stated that gas canisters were seen being tossed into the theater from BOTH sides of the room. Kinda hard to pull off if you are only one guy. Im not saying that its not possible that these werent just real crazies that got a wild hair and shot some people, however, the evidence is compelling...
If you want to disarm the people, you have to scare the general public into relinquishing their rights, Poopgiggle was right about one thing, they will never just boldly take our guns, we will willingly surrender them as a country for the promise of safer streets and happier lies...Im mean lives...


Well-Known Fanatic
Nov 20, 2011
Military psychological warfare is not sitting around and talking about your think that the top military scientists spending millions of dollars, researching ways to use the mind against an opponent and use drugs and chemical coercion to control soldiers, make them more aggresive, more lethal, or using the same methods to kill or destroy a enemies brain through any venue are "nice" people, you must possess a little bit of sadism to design ways to hurt people in the worst ways. Might wanna read into MK ultra and the mind bending the governments been doing since the 50's, they just gotten better at it, but the MO is the same.
Look into history and you will see that countries and empires have died because of human corruption the government is a tool by which evil men take power. Poop your obviously not seeing any of it so why dont you just go back to sleep. You are exhibiting all the symptoms of denial. Blatant disregard for the facts and how history has played out in situations such as this. You cant deny it, Australia, the UK, time after time they claim they want to give us peace, but all that comes of it is more control and less freedom. Both australia and the uks crime rates have AT LEAST doubled. It has nothing to do with peace, just like the wars in Iraq and Afganistan had nothing to do with terrorists... You can deny and mock all you want, but if you will not face up to the facts and possibilities then you are a sheep. I dont want to think my government is capable of terrible attrocities like Oklahoma City, or 9/11 or Aurora, but when the evidence is so compelling that someone knew, someone had a hand in it, then I will not turn my face away. I will not choose to mock and ignore. You call yourself enlightened or unbiased, but you are just unwilling to admit that HAS happened before, in this country and others, and it WILL happen again. Ronald Reagan said, "Government is not the solution to the problem, Government is the problem", because it allows evil men with no conscience or morals to do whatever it takes to get into power and control others. People crave power, since the beginning of time, they always will, and there will always be good men there, the question is whether you will stand by and do nothing, or whether you have the stomach to stand up for this country and its people. Im sure you will mock me and call me names, but they did the same to winston churchill when he told parliment that Hilter was the greatest threat of their time. The laughed and scoffed...well whos laughing now.


Fill in the Blank
Oct 18, 2010
Guthrie OK-Carson City NV
My tinfoil hat is at the cleaners... But I have always wondered why mass shootings happen during election years.

"Manchurian Candidate" --- not just a couple of neat movies.... All sides have been up to that stuff for years.

Jeremy Haynes

Well-Known Fanatic
Apr 26, 2012
Monkey Island, OK
Not to be harsh, but one reason i really like this forum is the lack of tin foil hatters and "gubment is takin mah guns! " people.

Our elected officials know that gun control is political suicide, gun owners are one both sides of the political fence and gun sales are at an all time high. There have been many many "martial law" scenarios ran by top military think tanks and the general pattern is that pretty much no united states soldier would turn on his own people.

If any sort of military coup type action every takes place in the United States it is going to be by some sort of hardcore batshit insane splinter group of the military, and by the time it would happen the whole world would be in complete and utter ****.

I may be completely wrong, but if i am god help us all.


Feb 11, 2011
Ponca City, Ok
Its my thinking, that your correct, but history has shown that when certain political factions are in office, its tough for the believers in the 2nd ammendment. Clinton/Carter come to mind, but in the same breath, Regan was not friendly for the 2nd ammendment either, although he is touted as the ultimate conservative.

The "War" has to be in the ballot box to defeat those that oppose the constutution.

One person like Timothy McVay, upset with the Waco disaster orchestrated by Janet Reno thought that the masses (old fat guys playing army, calling themselves patriots} would rise up and the "revolution" would start.
Well that didn't happen did it?

One great incident of winning at the ballot box comes to mind.
Our elected representative in the state legislature from Ponca was a democrat, but professed support for the 2nd ammendment, and had an A+ rating from the NRA. Deservedly so. He did a great job.

When the open carry bill came around, he voted for it, knowing it would have to go back into committe. When it came back to a vote for passage, he voted against it, following party lines.
He had three terms. That was his last. He was voted out of office and another came in that TRUELY supports the 2nd ammendment.

Thats how the system works. Its got its flaws, but overall there is no better.


Well-Known Fanatic
Nov 20, 2011
I said they would mock me didnt I...

might re-read the declaration of independence, and learn a little bit about the revolution that took place in this country 236 years ago. This country was born because the people wouldnt stand up for tyranny. Im sure its easy for you to push me into that "tinfoil hat" corner, just debunk the whole discussion by mocking and attacking the person rather than the issue. But thats a liberal tactic, and I know this Forum is better than that. So Ive said my peice, and Im not trying to draw you into some cult, niether am I molding tinfoil hats. But I am sure that when the wolves are at the door, that moment will be the one youll see, but it might be too late...

God bless America


Well-Known Fanatic
Nov 20, 2011
Our elected officials know that gun control is political suicide, gun owners are one both sides of the political fence and gun sales are at an all time high. There have been many many "martial law" scenarios ran by top military think tanks and the general pattern is that pretty much no united states soldier would turn on his own people.
Helps when you read the whole post

"they will never just boldly take our guns, we will willingly surrender them as a country for the promise of safer streets and happier lies...Im mean lives..."

Politicians are pawns, they are figure heads, their lifespan is finite but the goal is long term, it doesnt have to happen today or tomorrow, or next month, but we inch closer, like frogs in water growing ever warmer

screw it, obviously I might as well be talking to a wall...

Jeff T.

Well-Known Fanatic
Apr 17, 2011
Piedmont, OK
"they will never just boldly take our guns, we will willingly surrender them as a country for the promise of safer streets and happier lies...Im mean lives..."

...but we inch closer, like frogs in water growing ever warmer
I believe in the mid to late 19th century as our country expanded westward, the "law of the land" in some states and towns was changed so that people would not wear their guns when they were in town. Guns were accepted and used (as they were intended) as a tool to be used when needed, in certain situations. like a screwdriver or hammer. Now 120-150 years later. Guns are still not allowed in Town, or especially seen in town. BUT they are no longer accepted as a tool that might be needed in certain situations, but are seen as a last ditch effort or choice by people that are paranoid and scared.

I believe this "Shift" in thinking by a large segment of our society is the reason we (2nd Ammendmant advocates) are having such a hard time exorcising our rights guaranteed under the constitution.

I also believe we need to be ready to stand up to the large segment of society and fight, through the proper channels, for the preservation of these rights. Because just as we made the decision to carry a gun to protect and defend ourselves and families, if we don't fight for our rights through the channels provided to us by the U.S. Constitution, we may be forced to fight by other means to preserve those rights.

It is like situational awareness...
If you cease to be Aware, you may end up in a situation you do not want to be in, you may end up there anyway, but it is easier to deal with if you are aware as it approaches.


Well-Known Fanatic
Nov 15, 2010
Muskogee, OK
...having such a hard time exorcising our rights ...

Were they demon-possessed?

Joke off...

I didn't watch the whole thing, but this clearly demonstrates the fact that many people are permanently stuck in "condition white," or completely oblivious to their surroundings. Or should it be "Condition Clear?" Ha! Someone walking into a clearly semi-casual place of business wearing all black BDUs, carrying a large black duffelbag, and is seeming unfamiliar to the people, should be throwing red flags all over the place to anyone paying any level of attention.

I do think that we're (as in the PC culture) is pushing more of the "save yourself" attitude of flee and don't let anyone else slow you down. What happened to "women and children first?"


Banned from the timer
Nov 30, 2010
NE Oklahoma
Another thing that wasn't "funny" but I thought was interesting was when they said to try to help as many people as you can but "don't let them slow you down". I understand the point they were making but it seemed kind of harsh.

Guy escaping shooter: "come on Tess, we have to get out of here"
Tess: "My gout is acting up and it really hurts to walk"
Guy escaping shooter: "see ya"


I do think that we're (as in the PC culture) is pushing more of the "save yourself" attitude of flee and don't let anyone else slow you down. What happened to "women and children first?"

Discretion is sometimes truly the better part of valor.

"Tess, I'm not taking 9 pellets just to talk your stupid ass out from under this desk. Take your feet and get in my hip pocket, or stay here and die." Maybe poor Tess just needs a pop in the chops to get her head right, who knows? As for kids, well: I can carry those. My discretion does have limits.

Or should I apologize to poor Tess?


Well-Known Fanatic
Nov 15, 2010
Muskogee, OK
Discretion is sometimes truly the better part of valor.

"Tess, I'm not taking 9 pellets just to talk your stupid ass out from under this desk. Take your feet and get in my hip pocket, or stay here and die." Maybe poor Tess just needs a pop in the chops to get her head right, who knows? As for kids, well: I can carry those. My discretion does have limits.

Or do I owe poor Tess an apology?

You may not be able to save everyone. But to be blunt, I'm stronger and faster than most people I work with. My point was I wouldn't be trampling the women, kids and others to get my own hide out. I would be trying to make sure everyone that was attempting to evacuate had that chance.


Sep 16, 2010
well you could take Tess and drag her out.. look i am not saying how i would react in a situation like that (not sure if i would react more like Jean claude van damme or Arnold, i mean who knows). But just saying the american attitude of "look out for number 1" isn't one i agree with....

Jeff T.

Well-Known Fanatic
Apr 17, 2011
Piedmont, OK
Were they demon-possessed?

Joke off...
They Seem to be, sometimes, when we try to exercise them.

But just saying the american attitude of "look out for number 1" isn't one i agree with....
I agree with Benjamin.
We should try to help those we can help.
That's part of "Greater love hath no man... That he lay down his life for another."
I might lay down my life for another, but I will NOT give it up without a fight.
That's why I choose to be armed.


Banned from the timer
Nov 30, 2010
NE Oklahoma
Yeah, I agree. Don't think me callous. I'm not saying step over people trying to save your own hide but there comes a point when a reasonable expectation of others helping themselves comes into play. That's why I mentioned the clearing of the other person's head. If that's what it takes to get their attention and get their feet moving, well: A slap is better than a gunshot any day.

However, there comes a time when you will find people who have resigned themselves to die and will sit down and do just that: Die in place. The diver who gets lost in a cave and takes his regulator out of his mouth when he's truly just twenty feet from his own salvation, comes to mind. The soldier who stays in the bottom of a hole because fleeing despite the approaching carnage outside is too horrible does, too. There are those who simply reach a point where they can no longer be helped.

I have two children and a wife at home who rely on me. I will sleep quite well having tugged, dragged, and slapped poor Tess trying to save her in spite of herself; even if I finally have to abandon her so that those other three people will know the security of my coming home to them. I'm not looking out for #1. I'm looking out for #s 2, 3, & 4. They're not going to be deprived at the cost of my sitting down and saying "Well, gee whiz, Tess: This cubicle looks like a perfect place to die." I know I may be oversimplifying your point but hopefully you get mine. Hell, maybe I am callous. I can assure you that my wife and kids would appreciate it, though.


Well-Known Fanatic
Nov 15, 2010
Muskogee, OK
Calloused may not be the right word, but I think a certain amount of it is required to be a sheep dog. IE, to be able to say "Yeah, I know the carnage out there is terrible, but I'm going to save as many as possible, myself if possible, and if given the chance or forced, I will take out as many of the bad guys as possible."


Sep 16, 2010
Do you think the attitude you'd find abroad is better? It's not.

depends on what you mean by abroad.. europe of course not, but there are numerous cultures that foster community and helping others more than we do..