

Well-Known Fanatic
Jun 24, 2012
St. Louis, MO
Tin-foil is for amateurs...everyone knows that an armadillo helmet is the only truly effective way to block the "gub-ment" brain control frequency...


Well-Known Fanatic
Jun 24, 2012
St. Louis, MO
As to the video... Seems pretty well done. I was glad to see that the guy (conveniently dressed all in black so i was able to easily identify him as the bad guy) didn't pull out an "assault rifle" or something that uses those evil "high capacity magazines" that are known to cause this type of occurrence. I thought that was well played, clearly showing the issue is the person and not some particular "evil" weapon that society should be protected from. Subtle touches like that and the no firearms sign on the door seem to point to someone with some common sense having a hand in the production.


Fill in the Blank
Oct 18, 2010
Guthrie OK-Carson City NV
I said they would mock me didnt I...

might re-read the declaration of independence, and learn a little bit about the revolution that took place in this country 236 years ago. This country was born because the people wouldnt stand up for tyranny. Im sure its easy for you to push me into that "tinfoil hat" corner, just debunk the whole discussion by mocking and attacking the person rather than the issue. But thats a liberal tactic, and I know this Forum is better than that. So Ive said my peice, and Im not trying to draw you into some cult, niether am I molding tinfoil hats. But I am sure that when the wolves are at the door, that moment will be the one youll see, but it might be too late...

God bless America
Matt ... I agree with your take on the veteran profile 100%
That myth has snowballed since Vietnam vets came home in the 70's.

I like a good conspiracy theory as much as the next guy.... But most have proved to be beyond the mental ability of our governments collective ability.
Not mocking at all....I think their are people "outside" the government who move a lot of pawns.



Well-Known Fanatic
Nov 20, 2011
I think their are people "outside" the government who move a lot of pawns.

This is who I am worried about...politicians are like a puppet with a hand in the mouth...the hand is who I am worried about...


Feb 11, 2011
Ponca City, Ok
Matt ... I agree with your take on the veteran profile 100%
That myth has snowballed since Vietnam vets came home in the 70's.

This is so true. I came home from that conflict in 72 to wide spread protests, Army Reservist shooting college students, job discrimination so bad that to this day Vietnam vets have to sign up for, or decline affirmitave action statements for their HR profiles.

By law that has to be posted on company bulletin boards.

Its on my company's board as we speak, and I had to sign a waiver, or accept it. I did the waiver. I can get you the form if you would like.
Believe it or not(you can google it for comformation) Vets that served in that conflict were denied jobs, fired from jobs when the employer found out they served there, etc.

Hollywood, and the media contributed to this myth, and it continues to this day.
Nobody in this thread is mocking you.
The ignorant pieces of dog dung in office are there for one reason only.
The power trip, and the perks.